Welcome To Cooky Healthy Living
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This healthy living link is here, to lead you, to the other links, on this section.First of all, I want to explain, about healthy living.We are in a world of wanting more,spending more,we desire lots of material things, that often come at a price.When I was a child, I had nothing and learned that the best things in life are free. Let me explain what I mean.Firstly when a friend,relative or neighbour is struggling to do something, like move something,fix something or maybe arrange something, your help maybe valued, but free. Not only have you done something good, for somebody, but you did good for yourself and your self esteem.Many acts of kindness, result in friendship, good relationships and respect.These also are free,also by helping others, people will want to help you and speak to you when you pass.
What is he waffling on about,you may ask.Well I can tell you this,being lonely, is not a healthy way to live. Something may have caused the loneliness,such as a death in the family,depression,loss of a job,moved to a new area etc. These are just a few things that can tear your world apart. It is a Cooky world out there after all. Just one act of kindness, even just talking to someone could change that persons life and give them a healthy lifestyle. Here is list of the healthy living tips I would recommend for many of you. Make a difference. You can Free Healthy cookery classes, Basic Hygiene Langworthy Cornerstone,Salford,Manchester,England,UK, Tel 01612124400 The Cooky Chef
1, Try growing some fruit and vegetables where you live. Cheap and healthy
2, If you can grow lots of fruit and vegetables, give some away to people around you.This is great and may even trigger a barter relationship,where people do different things and give some of them away,like baking bread etc. Also think of all that lovely extra exercise,that will burn up calories.
3,Try to enjoy where you live,if you can and it is safe go for a nice walk.
4, If it is not suitable,venture out, a little to somewhere nice and enjoy a walk,or a good day out, to relieve stress,a good change of scenery is good for the mind,maybe take a picnic. A hungry man is an angry man.
5,Tell your love ones, that you love them every now and again.Give out hugs and kisses, etc.
6,If possible try to have a family party once a year,it can be done cheaply if they bring food and drinks.It saves families being driven apart,and is a gathering many families will look forward too. Some-one needs to make the first move.
7, Try to have friends over for a meal or social evening.If you can not do this keep to to regular time-scale to seeing them.Good for them and for you,to chat to friends.
8,Try joining a new club,hobby or interest.Cycling,running,walking,swimming etc all burn off lots of calories and can often be free.Gardening is also a good one.If there is a reason you cannot do the exercise,then try chess,making cards,or languages or computers etc
9,Clear out that cluttered room or cupboard and make a good list of things to do for the year so it is not wasted.
10,Clean your own car,the exercise is good and will burn off some calories.
11.Start now by making healthy,easy and cheap soups off this website,which is free also.Then move onto many of the recipes coming.Always have a good balanced diet,this is explained in the nutrition section,and drink lots of water.
12,When you have something on toast like beans,do not butter the toast,with soup eat brown bread and do not butter it. Remember the grease goes on your backside and takes a while to burn off.
13 Cut down on biscuits,sweets,chocolate,cake,fast food and ready meals,also pop,sugary drinks,sounds boring eh,well just knock some of it off in a week and it will make a difference to your health.
14, Limit how much television you watch in a day and do not go from one screen to another, get healthy.
15, Be creative,use your imagination,everything is here for a reason,many of you will have talents you do not even know,so do more activities and find out what they are. Even if you have a disability I believe there is something for everyone out there. A healthy mind is good.
Smile and Laugh, It Is Free
Have a Healthy Cooky Good Life
In time, I will create a healthy living booklet, which will be on sale in the Cooky shop,do not worry, I know how hard things are now,all of my items will be as low cost, as possible but all worth every penny. Check out the Cooky Tips book in the Cooky shop it will save you money. You can get me on robert.balazs0@gmail.com. Please try some of these tips,even if you just do a few of them,it will make a difference to you. Please visit the many other links, on this website www.heccookery.com,add it to your favourites/twitter/google/yahoo/facebook/youtube and keep coming back to see what updates have been added.Why not make a comment on cooky chat,about anything on this site.
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Manchester Run
Here is a picture of me and my son.We had just completed a 10k run, in manchester.We were running for the BASIC Centre.This is a centre were specialists work with people with disabilities, to try and rebuild their lives.Many people ran for BASIC and if you are interested in this area, click on my Basic link.Last year we both did the great manchester run together and my time was 52mins4 secs.I ran to the finish line and my boy ran down the other side.When he got to the finish line, he turned round and i put my hand on his shoulder and said you better cross.So yes you have it, he beat me by 1 second.However, this year i got my butt whipped, he got 46 mins and i got 52 mins 3 secs.Yes i beat last years time by 1 second.It is always good to have something to work towards,so why not set yourself some reasonable targets that you can achieve.Good luck with another rear.Make it exciting, Thankyou Rob Balazs Free Healthy cookery classes, Basic Hygiene Langworthy Cornerstone,Salford,Manchester,England,UK, Tel 01612124400 The Cooky Chef